Abundant Living Vol. X, Issue 50

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”  – John 10:10 

Dining with a couple of friends recently the discussion shifted to the subject of what each of us wants his life message to be.  That is, what message do you want to pass along to the world that you passionately feel it needs to hear in order to help others and make it a better place?  After some thought it occurred to me that my own message is manifested in these little weekly missives, which as of this issue marks ten years of writing them.

It all began one year when Luz, a faithful co-worker from my corporate days, suggested that we should consider abandoning our traditional office gift exchange and instead pool the money we otherwise would spend on each other to help someone in need, which led to our group adopting a needy family who lived in a very poor part of town.  So, late one cold December afternoon we traveled as a group to the home of our adopted family to deliver a very welcome but unexpected Christmas to them.  It was an unforgettable experience, one that changed all of us, me especially; for within that couple of hours our concept of abundance began to shift ever so subtly from the Wall Street culture of money and material possessions to the things that really matter – relationships, family and friends, God’s many blessings, and the joy of sharing those blessings with others.

Eventually that experience led me on a mission to deliver a message about what it means to have life in abundance, which is when I began to express my thoughts – my “message” if you will –  through these writings.

Jesus came to earth that we may have life, and have it abundantly . . . and that’s what we celebrate at Christmas.  So, in this Christmas season may you experience the blessings of God’s richest abundance.  And may I also take this opportunity to thank you for encouraging me to continue writing these messages each week and for sharing them with others.


Abundant Living will return January 5, 2015

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